'Play football in the depths of your mind, if only for now'

 'Play football in the depths of your mind, if only for now'

As a component of the BBC's 100 Women series, we requested that four ladies pioneers trade letters with four ladies from Afghanistan who share their calling or enthusiasm.

Here, soccer star Megan Rapinoe hears from Sahar, a youthful footballer who has been compelled to escape the country. Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August, young ladies have not had the option to play football in the country. We have changed Sahar's name for her wellbeing.

Sahar played for her nearby football crew for a long time. At the point when the Taliban held onto control recently, she self-isolated with her family, prior to being traveled to an alternate country.

Dear Megan,

I'm an Afghan footballer who has large dreams. At the point when the Taliban came everything halted in light of the fact that we as a whole realized that the Taliban had not changed and with their return, young ladies would presently don't have their opportunities. I contemplated my fantasies and said, what is the utilization of having dreams since I can't accomplish them?

I love football, it is the best game on the planet and it is my fantasy to turn into the best player I can be. Football isn't only a game for me, it is my obsession. I have gleaned some significant experience about strategies and moves and I drew one stage nearer to my objectives. My football family - my companions and educators - was extremely large. Playing in a group consistently causes you to improve in light of the fact that you can gain from one another.

At the point when the Taliban took over Kabul, I needed to quit playing and I was so dismal. In any event, when I checked out my garments, shoes and ball, I would cry. At the point when I saw that young men and young ladies from different nations play football, I wanted that was me. I felt so broken and fizzled, and life turned out to be so difficult and hard.

There was consistently the dread that the Taliban would assault me and my family. Consistently and night I was figuring, what will happen tomorrow? Regardless of whether I could rest soundly this evening, will I awaken? At times we could hear appalling sounds, discharges and terminating that made us dread for our lives.

We had hard days, until we discovered that an association was assisting footballers with escaping Afghanistan. We delayed until they told us 'you have a flight tomorrow'. At the point when we heard the news I was so cheerful on the grounds that now I might have the option to accomplish my fantasies. However, then again I was pitiful on the grounds that I would be isolated from my companions and my country.

I'm stressed over ladies footballers left in Afghanistan. I trust that my games companions get to go to a protected nation and live unafraid. The world should realize that sports ladies are left in the nation and they are in harm's way, and they might not have any inspiration to proceed. If it's not too much trouble, help them.

I have a great deal of expectations and dreams for my future; I need to be an effective footballer, I need to learn more strategies, I need to make a decent attempt to arrive at my objectives so that later on, my family and I will be glad for me.

I need to be effective so nobody will actually want to say that young ladies can't play football.


Megan Rapinoe drove the US group to triumph in the 2019 Women's World Cup, scoring probably the greatest objectives of the competition. She is a vocal supporter for balance in soccer.

Dear Sahar,

Growing up, football gave me the opportunity to put myself out there. It gave me the strength and certainty to have faith in something greater than me.

Something I love most with regards to soccer is that you can be innovative - however I know you're just genuinely imaginative when you're sure and agreeable in what your identity is. I need this up and coming age of players to comprehend that they don't need to be the following Megan Rapinoe, they should be simply the best form and a delightful aspect regarding the game is that incredible players come in every single distinctive shape, sizes, races and foundations.

Watching the fall of Kabul, I was devastated for every one individuals of Afghanistan, however particularly for the young ladies and ladies who have battled for such advancement and had felt that there was such a lot of trust in their future. It was stomach to see what occurred and to realize that what was refined could be lost instantly.

In case I needed to quit playing the game I love, it would want to lose a piece of myself, in light of the fact that such a large amount your personality and heart is filled this game that you love, both as an individual, yet additionally as a partner and somebody who's associated with different ladies to accomplish this shared objective. However, our main goal, our energy and our association comes to a long ways past the lines of a field.

There are no words I can offer that will really contact what you have felt and experienced, and what the ladies still in Afghanistan are feeling now. The misfortune is significant and I throb profoundly for every one of you. My expect you is proceeded with enthusiasm inside yourself and all in all with the ladies and young ladies around you. Every one of our lives is a story and we need to put stock in the chance of an unexpected story in comparison to what we were given. As Esther Perel says, "Opportunity in restriction gets through your creative mind."

To every one of the ones who love football yet can't play, I say keep the sensation of network and play alive, if by some stroke of good luck until further notice, in the profundities of your psyche.

You will be unable to see it regular, however the universe of football, particularly ladies' football, is here to help and give you strength. You are in good company. Whatever I can do to help you, I need to be there for you.

Try not to surrender trust and keep on utilizing your energy, your solidarity, your knowledge and your creative mind to continue to push ahead. It might look outlandish now and again, yet you have more help than you understand and I trust you can draw strength from that.\

All the best,



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