San Diego police play basketball with Morse High School students to build positive bonds

 San Diego police play basketball with Morse High School students to build positive bonds

Local area Resource Officers facilitated this first time occasion with an end goal to construct a positive relationship with understudies and families. 

SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. — After a couple of fast hand shakes, the opposition was on. 

"Try not to dunk on me!" jokes a San Diego cop to a Morse High School b-ball player. 

"I feel like we will come out with the name," said Morse High School junior, Rayveon Bush. 

"We're hanging around for ideally a well disposed game," giggles Captain Many Deltoro with the Southeastern Division of the San Diego Police Department. 

SDPD officials from the Southeastern Division played against understudies at Morse High School on Saturday evening. 

"No one needs to simply check out brutality or that negative stuff locally. They need to do positive stuff. This is acceptable choice for cops to play. They ain't going to win," said Bush. 

Local area Resource Officers facilitated this first time occasion with an end goal to construct a positive relationship with understudies and families. 

"I believe it's astonishing for everyone. It's astonishing for officials and furthermore for understudies. Have people group commitment. Meet, know and construct positive associations with officials," said Community Relations Officer, Chris Jones. 

"It should assemble a decent connection with us. They are not simply individuals around here doing awful stuff. Individuals around here need to succeed," said Bush. 

"We need a greater amount of these kind of exercises to show we are simply customary individuals and show that we have an agreement and normal bonds," said Cpt. Deltoro. 

Between spills, passes and squares, everybody in question says Saturday's down was a sure thing. 

"I realize police will consistently be there for me in the event that I have a circumstance. The police and I play against one another, yet we as a whole come as one after wards," said Morse High School understudy, Brandon Dimanta.


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