JSerra defense makes it a long night for Newport Harbor football team

 JSerra defense makes it a long night for Newport Harbor football team

NEWPORT BEACH – JSerra's safeguard set the vibe on Friday night. 

The Lions recorded a wellbeing, scored on a capture and fired the quarterback multiple times in transit to a 44-0 nonleague football triumph over have Newport Harbor. 

Because of Lions punter Chase Berry, Newport Harbor began assets on its 1-yard line on two events, and that prompted a security for the Lions on the Sailors' first drive of the game. 

"I need to surrender everything to the guarded line," JSerra wellbeing Jared Referente said. "They have appeared each week and conveyed the force to the rear of the guard." 

JSerra's protection wasn't finished after the wellbeing by Hugo Hart. The Lions (3-2) fired Newport Harbor quarterback Nick Kim multiple times, two of those by Jose Frutos 

The Lions protection added a score with Luke Berry's 24-yard block attempt for a score. 

JSerra's guarded line additionally gave the Sailors running match-up trouble, Payton Irving was held to 7 yards hurrying. 

"The guarded line has been one of our qualities the entire year," Berry said. "Particularly the front six. We had the option to execute our approach as well as could be expected. That is the thing that drove us to eventually be effective around evening time." 

Jared Referente drove the Lions with 85 yards surging on just five conveys and two scores, and quarterback Dylan Mills finished 5 of 10 passes for 50 yards and two scores (one each to Frutos and Josh Jornadal). 

Pursue Berry punted the ball to the 1-yard line again in the subsequent half, which was played with a running clock because of the Lion' 44-0 lead at halftime. 

"We have a Division I punter," JSerra mentor Scott McKnight said. "He doesn't simply punt for distance, yet he's incredible at nailing their folks down. He did that twice around evening time and it got the late evening going with a wellbeing by nailing the ball down at the 1-yard line. Pursue Berry is a big deal player." 

AJ Guitron-Moore was 4 of 11 passing for 38 yards for Newport Harbor (1-4), while Kashton Henjum got five passes for 37 yards.


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