Dearham teen joins professional wheelchair basketball league

 Dearham teen joins professional wheelchair basketball league

A teen from west Cumbria has been endorsed to the UK's first female expert para-sports association.

Emily Branthwaite from Dearham, close to Maryport, plays wheelchair ball.

The 16-year-old, who has innate spastic paraplegia, has been joined to play in the Women's Premier League close by probably the best players in the country.

She said: "Nobody trusted it when we discovered and it was overpowering and astounding."

"I will play close by the Paralympian Amy Conroy, somebody I've gazed upward to as a player since I began," she added.

Emily began playing wheelchair b-ball when she was nine, roused by her father who has a similar condition.

Mr Branthwaite said: "It was the main game I'd at any point contended in, when I was youthful I used to sit by and watch my companions truly do brandish yet wheelchair ball opened another world dependent upon me, and presently observing Emily is so energizing."

The young person as of late begun playing for Wakefield Whirlwinds in the Women's League, which was seen by East London Phoenix.

That group will be one of four Women's British Wheelchair Basketball establishments beginning in the Premier League this month.

Mentor Michael Hanson-Morris said: "Over the recent months, I've distinguished a few regions I needed to be more grounded in collectively and Emily's range of abilities fits with a portion of those needs all around well. I'm certain she's prepared for this level."

Outside of game, Emily is concentrating on development, designing and business at Energy Coast UTC in Lillyhall.

Her main Cherry Tingle said: "She is an uplifting young lady, she has a grin all over consistently and I'm almost certain she'll get in to Team GB since she's not entirely settled."

The Women's British Basketball League installations will be communicated , and for some players this will be whenever their exhibitions first will be on show to the general population.

The association begins on Saturday with Loughborough Lightning taking on Worcester Wolves at 13:00 GMT.


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