Steve Simon announces WTA’s decision to suspend tournaments in China

 Steve Simon announces WTA’s decision to suspend tournaments in China

Explanation by Steve Simon, WTA Chairman and CEO

"When on November 2, 2021, Peng Shuai posted a charge of rape against a top Chinese government official, the Women's Tennis Association perceived that Peng Shuai's message must be paid attention to and treated in a serious way. The players of the WTA, also ladies all over the planet, merit nothing less.

From that second forward, Peng Shuai exhibited the significance of standing up, especially with regards to rape, and particularly when influential individuals are involved. As Peng said in her post, "Regardless of whether it resembles an egg hitting a stone, or then again assuming I resemble a moth attracted to the fire, welcoming implosion, I will come clean with regards to you." She knew the perils she would confront, yet she opened up to the world in any case. I respect her solidarity and fortitude.

From that point forward, Peng's message has been taken out from the web and conversation of this difficult issue has been blue-penciled in China. Chinese authorities have been given the chance to stop this restriction, irrefutably demonstrate that Peng is free and ready to talk without obstruction or terrorizing, and research the charge of rape in a full, reasonable and straightforward way. Lamentably, the administration in China has not resolved this intense issue in any tenable manner. While we currently know where Peng is, I have genuine questions that she is free, protected and not expose to oversight, pressure and terrorizing. The WTA has been sure about what is required here, and we rehash our require a full and straightforward examination – without oversight – into Peng Shuai's rape allegation.

Absolutely no part of this is OK nor would it be able to become adequate. Assuming influential individuals can stifle the voices of ladies and hide claims of rape where no one will think to look, then, at that point, the premise on which the WTA was established – balance for ladies – would experience an enormous difficulty. I will not and can't allow that to happen to the WTA and its players.

Accordingly, and with the full help of the WTA Board of Directors, I am declaring the quick suspension of all WTA competitions in China, including Hong Kong. In great still, small voice, i'm not sure how I can request that our competitors contend there when Peng Shuai isn't permitted to convey uninhibitedly and has apparently been forced to go against her claim of rape. Given the present status of undertakings, I am likewise significantly worried about the dangers that our players as a whole and staff could confront if we somehow managed to hold occasions in China in 2022.

I have been delighted by the gigantic measure of global help the WTA has gotten for its situation on this. To additionally secure Peng and numerous different ladies all through the world, it is more earnest than any other time in recent memory for individuals to stand up. The WTA will do all that could be within reach to secure its players. As we do as such, I trust pioneers all over the planet will keep on standing up so equity should be possible for Peng, and all ladies, regardless of the monetary implications.

I especially think twice about it has resulted in these present circumstances point. The tennis networks in China and Hong Kong are loaded with incredible individuals with whom we have worked for a long time. They ought to be glad for their accomplishments, cordiality and achievement. Notwithstanding, except if China makes the strides we have requested, we can't put our players and staff in danger by holding occasions in China. China's chiefs have left the WTA with no decision. I stay confident that our supplications will be heard and the Chinese specialists will make moves to truly resolve this issue."


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